Re-examining My Baggage: Believer's Identity and Resilience/ Dr. John Howlette

Join us for an online workshop with Dr. John Hewlett of Three Stream Ministry.
Many things happen in a lifetime of faith. Relationships, family, church, finances, health issues, etc. Come and think bout what important things you need to carry into the future and what baggage you need to put down in order to run your faith lifetime to the end of your life. Dr. Howlette has been providing care for pastors and consulting for churches for many years and is the author of "The Pastor's Resilience: The Resilience to Burn Out in Adversity."

We look forward to seeing you on our workshop!

John Houlette

I came to faith in Christ while in college in Japan and later sensed  God’s call to full-time ministry while serving there as a short-term  missionary. I studied at Sophia University, received my BA from the Middlebury Institute of International  Studies, an MA in Sacred Theology from PacRim Christian  University, and an MA in Missiology from Fuller seminary.

After planting three churches in the Greater  Tokyo area, I was the executive field leader for the Japan Baptist Fellowship (now J-Venture).  In 2011 I launched Three Stream Ministries, which provides clergy  care resources and church consulting.  

Books published:  

Stillness Tools. Three Stream Ministries, 2012. 

Resilience: How Japanese Pastors Can Thrive in Every Season of  Life. Kindle Books, 2020.

About Three Stream Ministry

Resilience: How Japanese Pastors Can Thrive in Every Season of  Life. Kindle Books, 2020. 

A must read for pastors, seminary students, church officers, and denominational personnel personnel!

Why do so many pastors fail or burn out? How can they complete a fulfilling life of devotion without losing their identity upon retirement? The author, who has experienced burnout himself and worked as a pastor's caregiver and consultant, shares his secrets.

Place: Online

Number of times: 3 sessions

Capacity 25 participants

Language: The lectures will be given in Japanese.


Japan: Saturday, September 30, October 14, October 28 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

U.S.A.: Friday, September 29, October 13, and October 27, 8:00-9:30 PM EST/ 5:00-6:30 PM PST

Registration Fee 6,000 yen/ $60 per person (for 3 sessions)

*Price will be billed in the amount of your place of residence (Overseas participants will be billed in US dollars).


To apply, please click on the link below

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