Role of Soul Care Ministries

SoulCare is a ministry that aims to enrich your relationship with God,

based on Christian faith and biblical understanding.

Soul Care is a ministry that aims to enrich your relationship with God and support your personal growth based on your Christian faith and biblical understanding.

Need care

I have a problem, but I don't know where to go for help. I don't know what to do.

Incorporate into church activities

How can we improve our skills to support those around us?

A Place for God and Me

Enrich the state of mind and soul.

Soul Care Ministries was launched in 2020 as part of Second Level Ministriy's activities.

Deepen by yourself     
   Learn in a group

We offer private sessions for those who need privacy, and group sessions to grow in spiritual community, learn care skills, and deepen knowledge.

A video introducing Soul Care Ministries is now available!

Second Level Ministries' YouTube Channel: Second Level
There are many videos on spiritual growth and pastoral care. Take a look at them.

Recent Activities

If you are a church or organization that would like a copy of the Soul Care flyer, please feel free to contact us and we will send it to you (in the US only). Please feel free to use the PDF data below. Japanese and English versions are available.