Soul Care January 2024: support group starts/spring class openings/free columns available Sept-Dec.

2024 is well underway. What are your New Year's resolutions?

May it be a year full of blessings.

■ Spring Class of 2024 Call for Participants

Scheduled to start *Will start as soon as 3 people gather, only in Japanese

Spiritual Care I" (Starts with 1 more student) Japan (Fri) 8AM, USA (Thu) East Coast 6PM/West Coast 3PM

"Boundary Class" Japan (Fri.) 10AM, USA (Thu.) East Coast 8PM/West Coast 5PM

"Spiritual Care II" (Starts with 2 more students) Japan (Sat) 8AM-9:30AM

U.S. East Coast (Fri) 6-7:30PM / West Coast 3-4:30PM

"Healthy Spirituality and Character Building Class" (Thu) US East Coast 12PM, West Coast 9AM, Central European Time (CET) 6PM

Click here for information on each service.

February Start Support Group

A group dedicated to helping people recover from spiritual abuse. If you are interested, please check the following page and sign up.

Sunflower Alley (Komichi) 2024 Meeting Schedule *Held via Zoom. Free of charge.

Japan 2nd week (Thurs) 9AM-10:30 AM Feb Aug, Mar 7, Apr 11, May 9

Hearts Set FreeーOnly in English

Heart Set Free US 4th week (Fri) 2024 Feb. 23, Mar. 22, Apr. 26, May 24
West Coast 9AM-10:30AM, East Coast 12PM-1:30PM

■ Silent Retreat

Would you like to have a personal time of retreat?

The Second Level office in Atlanta, Georgia, offers an opportunity for you to have a retreat. The purpose is to get away from your normal life and renew your relationship with God in a green environment.


Introduction to Spirituality of Living in the Image of God - Article published in the monthly Million Gospel, BIBLE&LIFE, free of charge

With permission from Inochi no Kotoba, we are pleased to publish the October-December issue of "Introduction to Living a Spiritual Life in the Image of God," which appeared in the monthly magazine "The Gospel of a Million People: BIBLE&LIFE" on our website.

BIBLE&LIFE" is full of useful articles and information from a variety of authors. Please be sure to purchase the latest issue.

10月 Forgiveness and Reconciliation

「神のかたち」で生きる霊性入門 10月ー赦しと和解

いのちのことば社『 月刊 百万人の福音 BIBLE&LIFE 』にて2023年1月から1年間連載を担当しました。 連載タイトルは、「神のかたち」で生きる霊性入門いのちのことば社…

11月 Faith becomes sight.

「神のかたち」で生きる霊性入門 11月ー信仰は視力となり

いのちのことば社『 月刊 百万人の福音 BIBLE&LIFE 』にて2023年1月から1年間連載を担当しました。 連載タイトルは、「神のかたち」で生きる霊性入門いのちのことば社…

12月 Rejected by the world

Introduction to Spirituality of Living in the Image of God - Article published in the monthly Million Gospel, BIBLE&LIFE. Dec. "Rejected by the World"

I, Yumi Ikeda Morse, was in charge of a series of articles in Inochi no Kotoba's "The Gospel of a Million People: BIBLE&LIFE" for one year from January 202…

May God's blessings and grace be abundant.