First Half of 2024New!!

This is a newsletter sent to supporters who have made donations. We send it out about twice a year.As it is in PDF format, please download it if you need to view it.

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Soul Care Newsletter, May 2024

Soul Care Newsletter, May 2024: Soul Care Retreat 2024/You are Precious Station/Call for Class Participants Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well. This is an announcement from Soul Care Ministry.  Soul Care Retreat 2024, 3 days 2 nights (day trip available) This Fall, Soul Care will hold an in-person retreat. The retreat will be held at […]

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Soul Care January 2024: support group starts/spring class openings/free columns available Sept-Dec.

2024 is well underway. What are your New Year's resolutions? May it be a year full of blessings. ■ Spring Class of 2024 Call for Participants Scheduled to start *Will start as soon as 3 people gather, only in Japanese “Spiritual Care I" (Starts with 1 more student) Japan (Fri) 8AM, USA (Thu) East Coast […]

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Christmas Greetings. Thank you so much for your support this year.

It is the season of Christmas. We hope everyone is having a good holiday season. Looking back over the past year, we were truly supported by your support. I am filled with gratitude. Below is a report of our activities and a column published in the Rafu Shimpo. "The Cradle of Christ" published in Rafu […]

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2023 Winter Newsletter for Supporters

This is a newsletter sent to our donating supporters. We send this newsletter about twice a year.It is in PDF format, so if you need it, please download and read it.

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Activity Report 2023

Thank you for your prayers and support in 2023! Number of Soul Care service users Activities at Conferences January-December: Introduction to Spirituality of Living in the Image of God - serialization in "The Gospel of a Million People: BIBLE & LIFE" (Monthly) Review of the current fiscal year Initiatives for 2024

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Re-examining My Baggage: Believer's Identity and Resilience/ Dr. John Howlette

Join us for an online workshop with Dr. John Hewlett of Three Stream Ministry.Many things happen in a lifetime of faith. Relationships, family, church, finances, health issues, etc. Come and think bout what important things you need to carry into the future and what baggage you need to put down in order to run your […]

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July Announcement:Coming Soon! Couples Workshop "Difference is a Blessing"

The hot Summer days are continuing, aren't they? How are you doing? Here is Soul Care's July information. ■2023 Couples Workshop "Differences are a Blessing" Join us for a workshop to build a richer marriage relationship and to receive the differences between you and your partner as strengths. You will be able to work with […]

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2023 May Newsletter: Introduction to Spirituality for Living in the "Image of God" January-March Free Release/New Textbook "Bible Link"

How are you doing? Here is the information for Soul Care in May. ■ Introduction to Spirituality in Image of God, January-March, is now available free of charge! With permission from Inochi no Kotoba Publications (Japanese Christian Journal ”Word of life”), we are publishing the January-March issue of "Introduction to Living a Spiritual Life in […]

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2023 March Newsletter: Spring Class Applications Now Open / Serialization Begins in "The Gospel of a Million BIBLE & LIFE"!

It's that time of year when we feel the signs of spring in the midst of the cold weather. We are pleased to announce new initiatives and information on Soul Care's 2023 fiscal year. ■ Serialization in Monthly Million People's Gospel BIBLE & LIFE   Yumi Ikeda Morse - Introduction to Spiritual Life in the […]

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