Your support is needed for those in need of financial assistance,
Especially for Japanese missionaries to receive SoulCare services free of charge and at low cost,
or for the development of our activities.
Please contact us if you would like to take advantage of this service.

Yumi Ikeda Morse

Supporting People, Changing Culture
While working in Japanese churches, I have witnessed many fellow workers and church workers who have lost their physical and mental health due to long hours of spiritual labor, little pay and rest, and mental exhaustion. Even now, people who work in similar environments, or who have left evangelistic work due to burnout and need to recover, come to us for advice.
In general, religious organizations pay low salaries, and financial problems can put off the help they need. We would appreciate your support so that those who truly need help can receive it and so that a culture of churches and organizations that value God's workers can be formed.

Yumi Ikeda Morse

Past Achievements

2019-2022 $3,283 約 ¥44,2000

Number of users - 17

■ 4 pastors/evangelists, 6 mission organization workers, 3 church staff, 4 board members, etc. 

■ Number of classes - 12 classes (100 sessions), 29 individual sessions

We would appreciate your support for our servants who are engaged in evangelism in a spiritually, spiritually, and economically challenging environment.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to take advantage of our services.

Donations can be made here! 

Donations from within the U.S. 


  • Send to: Second Level Ministry 2841 Greystone Ln Atlanta, Georgia 30341
  • Please specify "Soul Care Fund" in the memo. If not indicated, the donation will be made to Second Level.

Zelle (Personal Remittance Service)

  • Please specify "Soul Care Fund" in the memo. If not indicated, the donation will be made to Second Level.

Donate by Credit Card

  • Go to Donation Page→Donation Page
  • Select "Yumi Morse (Ikeda)" in the "Give to" section.
  • Please write "Soul Care Fund" in the "Note" field.

Donations in Japan

Japan Post Bank

  • Kigou: 14160  No. 71120121
  • Please write "Soul1Care Fund" in the memo field. If not indicated, the donation will be made to the second level.

Bank Transfer

  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Hirakata Branch Ordinary 4382951
  • Second Level Representative Mayumi Ishimoto
  • Please write "Soul Care Fund" in the memo field.

Credit Card

  • Please select "Yumi Morse (Ikeda)" in the "Give to" section.
  • Please write "Soul Care Fund" in the memo field.